Monday, August 25, 2014

Sincere Emotions

I adore kids, mostly because they have the most sincere emotions. They laugh when you laugh, they cry
when you cry, they love when you love. You just hug them and it goes away (if you ever did it you will understand what i mean ).
 Have not seen my nephew for a week, she just returned back home from holidays and guess what? she's being commenting my and Toka's Instagram since morning :

 its never been so difficult to live in an adult world, where most of people share negative thoughts and feelings.Right now I just have a feeling that me and most of the people around move with a different beat. People just do not understand that happiness is always inside, important yet is to explore this happiness and keep it. And believe me all this small and big gossip talks: "ამან იმას ის უთხრა და იმან ამას ესე უპასუხა" destroy it. 


一 do the feasting for at least 1 month not saying any of: "ამან იმას ის უთხრა და იმან ამას ესე უპასუხა" and Keep positive people around

二 go to bed earlier, so whenever you wake up don run outside like crazy. take your time...

三 start your day with a good music and nice breakfast

四 smile, even to strangers

五 hug often.( kids or at least someone you really love)

aaand  just to remind, sincere emotion looks like this:

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