Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Happy Birthday to my Mom!

 Where ever you go, no matter how old are you Mom is always associated with home, warm feelings, huge love. No matter who you are and what you do Mom is going to be all for you, she will be the person who will share your sorrow and happiness at the same level that you experience,  as you are tied to her since your first day of existence!
  Couple of days ago it was my Moms birthday, I want to wish her long life, health and the best second part of her life!!!

 წელს პირველად გამოვტოვე შენი დაბადებისდღე ,მაგრამ არ აქვს მნიშვნელობა რამდენი წლის ვარ, სად ვარ, რას ვაკეთებ შენ ხარ  ის ადამიანი რომელიც ყოველვთის ასოცირდება სახლთან, თბილ გრძნობებთან, ძალიან დიდ სიყვარულთან და სიკეთესთან.
 მახსოვს ერთხელ შენ დაბადებისდღეზე ბებოსთან იყავი წასული და ჩვენ და მამამ სიურპრიზი მოგიწყეთ, რომ ჩამოხვედი გაშლილი სუფრა დაგხვედრეთ და სტუმრებიც დაგიპატიჟეთ.
  შენ ის ადამიანი ხარ რომელიც ხშირად დედაც იყავი და მამაც ერთდროულად, ყოველთვის გვერდში გვედექი სამივეს და რომელმაც ყველაფერი გააკეთე იმისთვის რომ თითოეული ჩვენთაგანი სწორ გზაზე დაგეყენებინა, ძალიან დიდი ძალისხმევით და მოთმინებით.
 შენ ის ადამიანი ხარ რომელიც ყოველთვის მამას გვერდში ხარ ერთგულებით და ძალიან დიდი სიყვარულით რომელსაც ესე აშკარად არასდროს გამოხატავ მაგრამ ყოველთვის იგრძნობა ჩვენს ოჯახში.
  შენ ის ადამიანი ხარ რომლის დანახვისთანავეც სიმშვიდის გრძნობა მიჩნდება და თავს უზრუნველად ვგრძნობ.
  მახსოვს მე-6 კლასში ვიყავი მემგონი, პირველი ორიანი რომ მივიღე ფიზიკაში როგორ ვნერვიულობდი, იმიტომ რომ შენთვის უნდა მეთქვა და როგორ მომეშვა რომ გამიღიმე და მითხარი კაი არაუშავსო,ნუ რა თქმა უნდა ისიც მოაყოლე რო კარგი იქნებოდა მეტს თუ არ მივიღებდი:)))
  მინდა იცოდე რომ მიყვარხარ უზომოდ და ვაფასებ იმ ყოველივეს რაც ჩემთვის და ჩვენთვის გაგიკეთებია! მინდა რომ იყო ჯანმრთელი და ძალიან დიდ ხანს ჩვენს გვერდით, იმიტომ რომშენ ყველაზე სუპერ მაგარი დედიკო და ბებო ხარ!!!


Monday, October 22, 2012

Chinese population getting fatter???

  Couple of days ago me and my friend Natasha skipped out during our brake time to one of the walking streets . 
We had some time, so we found one branch on Jon Shan Lu and set there for a while.
  Actually, since I came in Xiamen I have seen lots of beautiful Chinese girls who definitely have style and taste! We imagined that we were sitting on the first raw of the catwalk and started observing people and Chinese dressing style. We were looking and discussing each person that was passing in front of us, can you imagine how many people we could see in an hour?!
  But as time passed our observation topic changed and we came to the conclusion that Chinese population is getting fatter. May be 10 years before you would rarely meet "over-weighted" Chinese. So this is how our "Girly talk" passed on the statistical observations and theories that we have learnt at class. Now we know how to calculate a probability that every 10th Chinese would be fatter in next 10 year if they do not make regulations on food. :)
 Perhaps, Globalization has brought fast food industry and pastry here as well. Now, you can see more McDonald's,  KFC, Kungfu (Chinese FF) and other international and local fast foods rather than healthy restaurants and cafes while walking around. I've just counted for curiosity there are more than 5 bakery's under my house and about 15-20 of them on my way to University (which takes me 15 min by foot).
  So this is it, Lesson is learnt and If you think you can get thinner in China don't even dream about that!!! 
You can review some pictures from Jon Shan Lu below!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

How to deal with Hangover in China

I wake up and realized that i did not want to wake up at all, even though the weather was pretty sunny! You know that feeling like your head is 100 kg you feel pain in your bones and you wish do not partied last night. Well first thought that comes to your mind is that you have to do something with that mood and feeling. In my country I used to drink lots of Borjomi (Carbonated mineral water) = 2 chance of life:) But here in China and specially in Xiamen it's impossible to find that type of water, you would only find Watsons' carbonated water that is just a Soda water(not a substitute).
  So fortunately I have brought some tablets that kind of help to deal with that thing, but that's least charming way to defeat your undesirable guest:)

 Badly-deadly I had some classes at the evening and me and Toka we went together out as he wanted to go to the hairdresser. We just passed by Beauty saloon called So! and I saw inspiring phrase Hair cut + Head massage only for 42 RMB, plus if you are a student you can get 30% discount which means that you will pay 5$ for that staff. And an idea stroked my head!!!

  And Yes, instead of going to the classes I went for head massage(wǒ zhī dào zhè bù hǎo). We had to wait for 10 minutes, but for waiting they also have chairs that automatically make you massage, so after delightful 10 minutes I went for 30 minute head massage.When I finished that and opened my eyes I just saw everything in the colorful way they were, it's like things returned to their places :)  That's not the and of the story, as after that I had my hair done and I was feeling my self beautiful. )))))  that beauty salon had the most fair slogan that I have ever heard : "Again changes LIFE, start from... SO"))))))   So if you have problems with hangover in China address Beauty saloons rather than drink or food! That's all about cultural differences!

Saturday, October 13, 2012


 MAFIA also known as  Warewolf, Assasin, witch Hunt, Palermo Nights or Pirates is a party game that was created in USSR by Dimitry Davidoff in 1986 and for sure there are many versions of this game, Even there are some social clubs and TV shows of Mafia.

  Players are assigned secretly roles either they are townspeople(majority) or mafia (minority), during the game players ask each other  questions that to identify who is who and lately they vote for players suspect  until the one part stays in majority and wins.

  Actually that's a party game that I enjoy a lot. In the video below you can watch the Chinese version of this game that I have taken this evening at WISE students meeting.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


I always wanted to start my blog, but I was always putting it for the next time. So I'm happy that finally I did it and I'm writing my fist blog. Since I moved to China, I'm glad that I have more time for myself and I have lots of things inside that I want to share with you! Mostly my notes are bilingual because it's easier to express everything- as I can find right words, but I will try to keep most of my blogs in one language.

So here I start!!! Happy to join your society!